Sunday, March 29, 2009

Brighter Side of Darkness

Imagine if you stranded in a dark room. A pitch dark room no trace of light and then suddenly you start noticing the little beeping noise coming from somewhere. Since you can not see it, you try to find the direction from where it is coming and start moving in that direction and keep looking for it till you find it. So in the above scenario the darkness is future and future translates to so many "possibilities". The little beeping noise is "opportunity" which we are trying to find.

Every time I look at future it is never clear. We never know where are we heading? The day I gained my consciousness. I was like an empty canvass. I had no idea who I was, who were those people around me where was I?It was a big question mark. But then after sometime I start recognizing people.And now what I am is because of my past, but what I will be, is still in dark.

Is it good or bad? Nobody knows but the best part about it, is the possibilities are numerous in the future. I am not quoting possibilities with negative or positive connotation. It can be any thing. The possibility of me getting a "Nobel Prize" is there in the future, the possibility of living a normal life is there, The possibility of me getting hammered is there too. So, all sorts of possibilities are floating in the sea of darkness.

Did it ever occur why people hate darkness? Because nobody can see in darkness which translates to not knowing what is hidden in the darkness. It might be good and it might be bad. Same applies for future too. We cannot see it and that is why it is scary. But the best part is we don't know for sure that what is in future is good or bad. The things which seems bad might be actually good or vice-versa.

But the best part about future is the foundation of it is always set in present. So, If somebody says our future in in our hand I think he/she is right. What is present today was future in past. And what we did in past has shaped our present. For example, I was watching "Celebrity Apprentice" last week. Dennis Rodman, the NBA Star, was there as the project manager of men's team. He was so unorganized and arrogant to other team mates. He was drinking constantly for the entire task. In the board room, Donald trump asked him why is he not a team player. He defended himself by saying he did win 5 championships by being a team player. Then Jesse G. James said that it was the past in which he was fabulous and in present he is alcoholic and if he don't take action to stop it now then I am foreseeing a dark future. Which makes sense. We (Whole world) is in such a big recession which is supposedly heading towards depression, is because of bad decisions in past. However, if we act now then there is a chance we can avoid the depression. Future is still dark as always but with the current situation we can predict what might be coming.

As in the Disney flick "Pocahontas" the old tree tell John Smith and Pocahontas that the small ripple in the water can turn into big waves. So, a small initiative for betterment now can be seen come back with many fold advantages in future. It actually applies in every field just think about it.


Monday, March 9, 2009

Dreams Unlimited!!!

I was walking on the street and suddenly it started to turn into grass... I jump up and stretched my wings and I am flying in the sky, racing among the clouds and birds. The birds look a bit weird they reminded of fishes. Wait a minute. They are fishes but what are they doing in the sky? Hold on I am in water now swimming, looking through the corral. It is such bliss. I came out from the water and start drying myself. I put on my clothes and turn around I found myself standing in the middle of the busy highway road. Oh goodness!!! How did I end up here? I tried to move towards the side as in the game "frogger" and then I noticed myself playing frogger on my computer, my cell phone starts ringing. It catches my attention. I get up off the couch the laptop, the cup, the pen, paper falls on the ground in slow motion I try to run to get it. I slipped somehow and just opened my eyes. Its 6:30 am, I am very much in my bed and my alarm is ringing.

Dream or say dreams are so magical people can do whatever they want to do in their dreams. People love to see dreams. Love to live dreams. All of us have some kind of dream. Dream originates from small seed; Idea. How do we get ideas? It is just a fascinating science.
We get ideas from reading, interacting with people, listening to music, watching TV and movies etc. We can get ideas from anywhere. At first Internet was somebody's idea then that Idea was blended with imagination and it became a dream. This inspired people to work on it. All the man-made things which we see around us was some person's idea once which turned into dream into finally transmuted into reality. Whenever people talk about the biggest dream come true they always mention "Wright Brothers" they are the best example of how dreams can take shape of reality. Lets do a deliberated thinking would anything be possible which surrounds us if somebody has not thought about it? Food, clothes, medium of transportation, TV, Internet, just look around where ever you are sitting and you will find at-least one thing which was once a dream. Can you find it?? Let me help you a bit. The computer where you are reading this :) is also a good example.

Dreams are so great, don't you agree? You can do whatever you dream for. Just think what you have dreamt of once irrespective of what happened to dream later. But the first time whenever you had that dream I bet it will have made you feel inspired and happy. The best part about a dream is it gives you power to think out of the box. For instance, Let’s assume that you are a below average student who aspires to be admitted to ivy league schools. However it seems impossible because the competition is so hard or its too expensive with out scholarship. But if you are that student and if you have that dream so whenever you think about living in dorm of ivy league schools, hanging out and partying with the students of ivy league school, or just seeing yourself at the graduation ceremony of ivy league school. It will start pumping your heart much faster and you will feel just simply amazing. That is what you wanted and you will start living in the dream. However when the reality struck there will be two possible things I can see happening. I will not like to label these two views as negative or positive because what is positive and negative to me will not be same for some other people and I don't want to typecast these attitudes, however it will help people to realize what I am trying to say. So the first attitude will be: You will say to yourself "Look at the grades there is no way I can make it. No matter how hard I study I cannot make it. Not a chance." Then you will compare with people who didn't succeed and just move on with your life. The second attitude is: You will say "Look at your grade. Is there any way I can work on it to make them better. Maybe; work hard to get good grades. Try to set small goals. So, that I can attune myself with my dreams and then achieve it”. Then start working to follow it .

I personally dislike when people say "That is not possible" or " You cannot do it." I always say don't limit the scope of your brain. You can do wonders. Don't get discouraged by failures. I was watching "Kitchen Nightmares" a show by Gordon Ramsay yesterday and he was helping this guy to make his business run smoothly. The show is OK but the thing which makes it good is the message it gives to viewers. So, he was talking with this owner of restaurant who doesn't want to try new things on the menu, because he was afraid that people may not like it. Gordon Ramsay forcefully changed the menu despite of his objections. The outcome was so wonderful. People liked the new menu. Then in the end of the show he took that guy to have one-on-one chat. And he just said to the restaurant owner that he is afraid of failures that is why he doesn't want to try new or different things. The restaurant owner’s eyes started watering. So what I was trying to say here is that don't get discouraged if you face failure because failure will give you chance to learn from your mistakes and help you in recuperating in much better way. Everybody knows about Abraham Lincoln and Albert Einstein.

So, if it is so easy why doesn’t everybody achieve it? The answer is as simple as the question. People don’t have persistence and desire to achieve their dream. I know many people in my friends and family who just gave up their dream because they don't have courage to keep up with it and I also know people who were not sure about how to fulfill their dream however they just knew they are going to fulfill their dream. Once you are committed to your dream then you start noticing the ways to get it. Don't ever let anybody come in between yourself and your dream. All the obstacles that are in the way to get your dreams are for purpose to check how much you want them? And once you overcome those obstacles you get more seasoned to take responsibility of dream you have. It is all learning process trust me. This is the reason why lottery winners get broke after winning so much money because they didn't go through the hard work to attain the money which means they are not seasoned to keep it so that it can be used to generate more money and they lose it all.

In the end I will like to conclude by just asking this how close are you to your dream??


Sunday, March 1, 2009

If I Had A Million Dollars

Activities to do: Type "Freedom" on Google and see what you get and then analyze what does freedom mean to you.

Yes, I am talking about freedom. It has different nuances to different people, however after talking to so many people one thing which commonly comes up is that all the people are worried about their finances. Just sit back and think what you could do if you have a million dollars? The answer is you can do what ever you want to do with that million dollars(million dollars is used as figurative speech for a lot of money). However, that is not the focus of this blog. It is a self evident truth that with a lot of money anybody can buy a lot of stuff... but there is one more thing that money brings and that is "financial freedom."

We live in a free world and free society.We have freedom to sleep, eat, wander around and practice our religion. But is this what freedom means or it is just state of mind?Just think: why do you need to work for somebody when you are free ? Just to earn money, right? This make us dependent on others and where there is dependency there is no absolute freedom. So, now the question is are we really free or do we pretend to be free? We all are worried about the finances all the time, house mortgage, car payment, child expenses and credit card debt etc are modern days shackles which will snatch freedom from an individual.

Just imagine a day without worrying about finances. It is good isn't it? Yeah, but what we do in order to get that freedom? Before talking about it I will talk a wee bit about economy. Since last year we all have seen the global economic recession. So many people get laid off, because of layoffs everybody got scared and as the consequence mostly stop spending and start saving. I was watching tube the other day, they had a commercial which stated " in this hard times we all will be going back to basics" true, doesn't it? It explains why we are in economic recession. People just don't want to spend money on the things they think as luxury or something they thought they don't need now, but can wait to get it till the economy gets better(This is just an observation). So it just simply create a huge attrition in demand , with low demand less supply. so when we don't have supply why we need workers and hence more layoffs and the vicious cycle continues. So, the question is everybody getting poor during this time? I will say no, people who had financial freedom they were able to face it more intelligently and were not effected by it however people who were not financially free were the most effected ones.

But often the thought comes what we do to get "financial freedom"I will say just think what can we do to attain it. It is not the rocket science it is just the willingness to reach to a level and take initiative. Once the mindset is changed then we will start noticing thing which were always there but invisible to us.

In the end I will wrap up with this thought
"All kinds of freedoms (i.e Freedom of thoughts or deeds) pretty much dependent upon on the foundation of financial freedom in today's world".
