Recently everywhere, and by everywhere I mean on internet, people are talking about Google Wave. Its just a surge of people tweeting about "Google Wave"; facebook and myspace users are asking each other if they have a Google Wave invite. So, it made me curious to find out what all fuss is about Google Wave.
Google is generally a recognized term . It is also officially added in dictionaries like Oxford and Webster as the synonym for search. Google was started with a very basic idea: an algorithm which can search the internet for query words. It started as a small company in 1998 in Menlo Park, California, and now it is one of the fortune 500 companies.
So, now the question is: how does a company with only one application ,"search engine" get so big? The answer to this question is entrepreneurial brilliance and I will explain this in detail. When Google started back in '98 there were other companies, i.e. Yahoo and Hotmail around. These companies were huge. They had so many services such as: email, photos, news etc. plus most people were using Yahoo and Hotmail to do all sorts of searches. Moreover, it is one portal where one can go and get access to so many applications at once. However, there was one issue- these portals have so many applications on the main page which made it very bulky . This added with the very slow internet speed back in the 98s resulted in yahoo and MSN home pages to take forever to load. On the other hand, Google just had a text field along with the search button which which took one-fourth of the time to load the page. So when people have the option of going to something which will take less time to load and give result with the accuracy of 90%, they started using it. Since then Google has made a fortune. They introduced the concept of Pay Per Click and Pay Per Impressions. There are so many Google applications around, Gmail, Google Maps, Google finance, Google Documents and Google photos are to name a few. Google has launched new application,"Google Wave" on May 27 2009.
Recently, Google has released the beta version* of Google Wave. Only 100,000 people were sent invitation to test the Google wave. Google Wave is personal communicator and online collaboration tool as termed by Google. Google Wave is a web-based service, it is a platform which allows users to communicate with each other in multiple ways such as: instant messenger chatting, video chatting , short message texting, emails and social-networking. Moreover , for the online collaboration tool part , people will be able to share documents, pictures and videos along with their desktops in real-time scenario. These days all these above mentioned features are available, but in differerent platforms. So, Google wave will be the place to where you can do all the possible things by just logging into one platform. Google has also released a 1 hour 20 minutes video just as an introduction for Google Wave, if you certainly interested just check it out.
Google Wave have potential to impact all the majors online collaboration companies such as Cisco's webex , Citrix and Teamviewer etc. By making these online collaboration utility easily accessible , common users and small businesses will be more inclined to use Google Wave. However, corporation might stick with the old vendors, but I think it is too early to make any conclusion. Since the Google Wave was out it has created a lot of news. Once the final version will launch then it will be available not only on web but also on mobile phones especially Android(G-phone) .
Now, some juicy facts:
1) Since the Google wave is out it has become such a sensation that people are still twittering all about it.
2) People are selling Google Wave invites on ebay ranging from 99 cents to 80 dollars. Allegedly people have already bid in three figures on ebay.
*Once software is ready and functional the developer has to test those in order to find the bugs and discrepancies so that it can be made bug free and completely effective. So beta testing is one type of testing when they released a beta version to selected public and ask them to use. Now when these people find any errors they report these back to the developers to fix it. Developers follow the feed back fix the errors and release the software.
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