Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Dream+Determination = Fulfilment of Dreams

I was raised in a middle class family of India. My dad is Doctor and he has his own reputation in the small community of ours. He is brilliant at networking with people. He loves to help people but he never expects any things in return. But today here I am not talking about my dad here. I am going to tell a short story about a "milk man",that what my dad use to address him as.

It was the whole surge in our great city of lakes, Bhopal, people were switching to unpasteurized milk because some how people conceive this notion that purest form of milk is unpasteurized instead of pasteurized milk. My dad was very skeptical about this switch because he is doctor and he knew the benefits of pasteurized milk. However my mom some how convince him to get the pure milk from a local dairy where people milk cow and deliver fresh milk to houses, even though it was a bit expensive. Simple economics I will say, demand and supply. So, through my dad's huge network we got some connection to a dairy which was a good local dairy and they use to supply unadulterated milk. At that time lot of dairies were doing un-ethical business as well. They use to mix milk and water and sell it little cheap and earn big marginals profits. My dad was wary about it that is why we agreed to this specific dairy because the owner had a good reputation and my dad got good referral through his network.

After few years the trend changed because of privatization of diaries and there were several independent dairies which were selling pasteurized milk at subsidized rates. People start going back to pasteurized milk. And we stop using that local dairy. I heard later that at that time this guy, the owner sold his dairy for marginal profit and moved on with his life.

People generally keep in touch with him because of my dad magnetic personality . So, every now and then I use to hear about our former dairy owner that he invested somewhere , helped some politician, bought some business and stuff. Since our family is middle class types and we never use to open to the business side, the only concern in the family is to go to college and get a good job and that kind of stuff.
In this economy when people are getting laid off everyday.It was couple weeks ago my dad got concerned about my job situation and he asked me how am I hanging in there? Then he mention about our former dairy owner. I know it is predictable but it is true story. That guys became really big now. He has his ties with some of the big businessmen back in India. So, my dad suggested if I need he can ask him to help me if needed.

So, the point is this guy has a good sense of business trends he knew when to go in the business and when to jump out, the other thing which was consistent with him is that he is persistent and he keeps trying and he is willing to take risks.

It always occurs to me, people who have dreams and have the determination can always achieve their dreams. It doesn't matter what effort one can put into something but the only thing that matters is where they are heading to in term of goal & dreams achievement , I also say everybody cannot be at top but people who have dreams and determination, can be on the top.


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