Friday, November 6, 2009

Guns Vs Gays: Are you serious?

People always keep me wondering about these two issues: guns and gays. So, if you are suffering from severe homophobia or you are running away from confrontations your entire life, I suggest you not read this article.

Recently, the law of gay marriage was rejected in the beautiful state of Maine. Plus, I found out in an article that 31 other states have also rejected (including the liberal state, a.k.a. California) the concept of two people of the same sex going in any matrimonial union. I have a question for the government: what are you thinking and what are you trying to accomplish by these self contradictory laws? The logic behind this escapes my mind. If we take a closer look I think the government is trying to play the divide and rule game among liberal and conservatives. First, the state governments declared same-sex marriage legal just to lure the homosexual community and for that matter the whole liberal vote bank . So, when they think that the liberals are happy now, it is time to please the conservatives. So, they go for a public vote on this law. Obviously most of the states' majority consists of straight populations and this is a very big deciding factor while handling this issue. Therefore, the majority wins. However, is it justifiable to discriminate somebody's right because he or she is gay?

Now, lets talk about guns. Yes, it is our birthright to own a gun , but come on, think about it: in the last 24 hours there were two shootings in two different states. Yes, I heard this argument several times, ' People kill people, guns don't.' But guns make it easy. Now people have another argument that is, if there are no guns then the killers will find some other weapons. I agree , but what would that weapon be - knife, stone, or may be a baseball bat. So, in order to use any of these alternative weapons one needs a lot of strength to actually kill a person. One more benefit is since it requires a lot of power and hard work, people will have to actually come up with a plan instead of just walking and shooting. Moreover, the impact, by impact I mean body count, will not be as high as when guns are involved.

Gun owners always claim that it is their right as per second amendment, to lawfully own a gun. So, why do we have a right to own a gun but not a right to marry whomever we choose?I find it kind of strange that it is okay to own killing machine but it is not okay for people in love to get married and spread the love. I personally think if people are allowed to carry guns then two people who love each other should be allowed to get married irrespective of their orientation.


P.S. Please pass this around and help in generating awareness.

1 comment:

  1. Just doesn't make sense that we can have guns, that are made to kill people, but that we are not allowed to marry whomever we choose...which only creates love and family.
